Our little Leighton James was born on May 29th at 10:40PM, weighing 7 pounds 4oz, 19 3/4 inches long.
My due date was June 2nd, but so happy she decided to make her entrance a little earlier. May 29th was Memorial Day and I woke up feeling super crampy, but didn't think much of it. Then around 8:30am, my water broke, but not like in the movies, it broke slowly and not all at once. So I called my doctor and she said since my water broke I would have to go to the hospital. It was baby time! But first, I knew I wanted to eat something filling and I wanted to shower. So I cooked breakfast, took a shower and my husband packed up the car. At this point, I had no contractions at all.
We got to the hospital and I was checked in. My doctor checked and I was only 2cm dilated. I headed up to my delivery room and I was soon started on Pitocin. Then those contractions started! I originally had a birth plan to bring, but then threw it away and decided that this was something I couldn't plan. I knew I wanted to go as long as I could without an epidural. At one point, I couldn't stop running to the bathroom to empty my bladder, little lady was directly on it. So every 5 minutes I would have to get up, take all of the wires with me and it was beginning to be too much. I just couldn't relax my body and I knew this wasn't going to help me dilate. I knew it was time for the epidural. Once I got the epidural, I was completely relaxed and the nurse checked for dilation and I was already 9cm!
Little girl was ready to come out, I pushed for 2 hours & was completely exhausted. Nothing prepares you for labor, especially when it is your first. It is so scary to not know what was happening was supposed to be happening or whatever I was feeling was normal. I had to get oxygen towards the end, which was scary, but I was so determined to get her out. I couldn't have done it without Greg. He was by my side, coached me & made me feel so comfortable the whole time. Finally, Leighton made her debut, and it was such an indescribable flood of emotions. All the exhaustion and pain disappeared and nothing else mattered at that moment, but her.
Thank you to everyone for the well wishes!
May 29, 2017 is a day I'll cherish forever & I am so thankful to be your momma Leighton James!
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