Thursday, July 13, 2017

Owlet Smart Sock

Like every new mom, I'm constantly checking on Leighton. Since day one, I've checked her breathing as she sleeps -- making sure he is perfectly fine! I feel like I always sleep "with one eye open," ready to jump at the slightest sound! Literally being a mama is the best thing in the world. It brings the most joy that I have ever experienced, but also the most worry & anxiety.
The Owlet has eased all this anxiety. It's a Smart Sock that tracks your baby's heart rate and oxygen levels while they sleep. Using clinically proven technology, the Owlet uses pulse oximetry to measure levels and is designed to notify you through a base station, connected with an app on your smart phone, if the heart rate or oxygen level fall outside the preset zones.
I love that the Owlet uses a Smart Sock, that comes in different sizes to fit your little one, comes in a sweet pink color and easily slips onto his or her foot! If you're a new mama or mom to be, check out The Owlet -- it works so well!

This is a sponsored blog post, but all opinions are my own.

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